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GA 0220

Classification: Majuscule
Date: 3rd Century
Location: Washington, D.C., Museum of the Bible
Shelf Number: MS 113
Content: Pauline
MS Feature: Fragmentary
Language: Greek
Image Type: Digital
Material: Parchment
Description: Third century majuscule of Paul on parchment; 1 leaf, single column, 24 lines per column.

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CSNTM Image Id: 275073

Location: Washington, D.C., Museum of the Bible

Text: Rom 4.23, Rom 4.24, Rom 4.25, Rom 5.1, Rom 5.2, Rom 5.3

Content: Pauline Epistles

Image Description: Text

Image Type: Digital

Ink: Black

Language: Greek

Material: Parchment

MS Feature: Fragmentary

CSNTM Image Name: GA_0220_0001.JPG

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