Classification: | Lectionary |
Date: | 9th Century |
Location: | Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale |
Shelf Number: | Copt. 129,11, fol. 52. 53 |
Content: | Pauline |
MS Feature: | Palimpsest |
Language: | Coptic; Greek |
Image Type: | Digital |
Ink: | Black |
Material: | Parchment |
Description: | Ninth-century Greek-Coptic palimpsest lectionary containing portions of Acts, Paul, and the Catholic Epistles on parchment (folios 52-53 of Copt. 129); 6 leaves; 2 columns; 35 lines per column. Leaves of this manuscript are held in 4 different locations. These images are made available by the Bibliothèque Nationale. For recent digital images, visit BNF Gallica. |
CSNTM Image Id: 690170
Location: Paris, France, Bibliothèque Nationale
Image Description: Cover
Image Type: Digital
CSNTM Image Name: GA_Lect_1575_FRONT.jpeg
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