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Classification: Papyrus
Date: 6th–7th Century
Location: New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Department of Egyptian Art
Shelf Number: Inv. 14.1.527
Content: Gospels
MS Feature: Fragmentary
Image Description: Text
Language: Greek
Image Type: Digital
Material: Papyrus
Description: Sixth or seventh century manuscript of the Gospels on papyrus; 2 leaves, single column, 50 lines per column. For more information and downloadable images, visit the Metropolitan Museum website.

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CSNTM Image Id: 139697

Location: New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art Department of Egyptian Art

Text: John 9.3, John 9.4

Image Description: Text

Image Type: Digital

Material: Papyrus

MS Feature: Fragmentary

CSNTM Image Name: P128_0001a.jpg

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