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Classification: Papyrus
Date: 8th Century
Location: Vienna, Austria, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Shelf Number: Pap.K. 7377,7384,7396,7426,7541–48,7731,7912,7914
Content: Acts and Catholic Epistles (Apostolos)
MS Feature: Fragmentary
Language: Coptic; Greek
Image Type: Digital
Material: Papyrus
Description: Eighth century papyrus containing Acts. 11 fragments; 2 columns per page; 24-25 lines per column. These images are available at ONB 1, ONB 2, ONB 3, ONB 4, ONB 5.

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CSNTM Image Id: 614241

Location: Vienna, Austria, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek

CSNTM Image Name: P41_5_COLOR.jpeg

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